
From a SITH® Student:
Alohà. I have practiced Ho’oponopono since 2010 And I started to take a SITH® class in the 2015.

I have many experiences to share.. really.. but I want to share my last miracle that happened this morning.

This morning when I opened my eyes I felt a memory of poverty.

Well… I started to clean my thinking about: “I don't have money” “God left me”, etc

I started to clean….

In that moment I said to the “I”
“Please help me.”

Not with tears or bad emotions just “help me”
And I continued to apply my tools, just to be at peace.

In that Moment i heard a voice “please don t be a victim and stop crying and open your bank account and check!

I did…but my first bank account doesn’t have anything.

And this voice said “NOT THAT, YOUR NEW BANK ACCOUNT”

I have a new bank account of 2 week)

I said mentally “ok

And i check… And i see a 200 euros.

I said “oh my God! It Is unbelievable “My friend wrote me this morning and said “I choose to send a gift for you “
But the real Miracle Is not the money itself… God gave me the inspiration in the Perfect Moment!
And We never know what happens.

And every Act of cleaning can transmute any situation beyond our consciousness.
Thank “I” to take Care of Us…when we choose to say “i love you” instead of “I’m alone”

Thank you
I love you.

A testimony from a SITH® student:

“Aloha to everyone who reading this testimony. I’m a SITH® student living in Italy and I’ve been doing the cleaning for 12 years now ,since I was 16 years old.

….I was born in Sumy, Ukraine and I lived there 10 years of my childhood, I was the first to get the information about this war. I wake up early that morning for some reason and after 5 minute my mother came to me and said there is bombarding in Kiev. I felt like a was very connected to this war, I have this crazy connection cause my father who is still living in Ukraine was an ex-military. I was grow up in a military base. It was my playground, and a have soo many relatives and parents in all Ukraine. And many friend in a military sector even some relatives in Russia sector too . I keep the cleaning going, knowing that doings so my family and relatives are going to be protected as long I was at peace. At some point of the story my grandma and 2 relatives with 2 kids decided to escape from Sumy to the border of Poland and came with her in Italy. A trip that was long 7 days from 8 march to 14. Now, I didn’t never mention this possibility to them or make the suggestion for them , I was maybe calling them for some more information. So if they decided to stay or move, it will be they decision since I don’t know what is right for them , only God knows.

When I finally came to meet them in a train station a Verona before getting there I saw a lot of cars from Ukraine on the highways and I even have a chance to help a women who have some misunderstanding with how to pay the highways and you can guess where this lady was from 🙂

When I meet my relatives I felt their rhythm was different and I felt all this connection to Ukraine, for example I was driving in a highway to back home by night and I can see some of the cars from the distance like an illusion be a military vehicle, and for two hours my grandma told me the story about how she managed to escape from Ukraine and all the opportunities that showed up from nowhere . I guess it’s because of the cleaning that I did and some of my friends who also are SITH® students ,and these are only things that I’m conscious of ! Can you imagine unconsciously where the cleaning touched.

I firmly believe that this open doors of possibility have something to do with it. And without the cleaning it was not possible all of this , I’m truly grateful and felt bless to have a SITH® process with my day by day . Otherwise I’ll be just worry and talking about the war.”

“Testimonial from a Basic II student….I would like to share with you the experience…during these last days:

Last weekend (December 4th and 5th) I took my first SITH® Basic II online class.
During the class that weekend, my 29-year-old nephew had to undergo a very complicated and lengthy surgical procedure for the replacement of a bone prosthesis. As the first day of class went by, the image of my nephew came to my mind over and over again; I began my cleaning with the tools with which I felt that they came to me by inspiration, I cleaned memories with him, with my family, with the doctors, with the hospital … I cleaned and left it to the Divinity.
At the end of the class, the surprises began: due to an inconvenience with the new prosthesis that was detected a few minutes before the anesthesia, the doctors decided to postpone the surgical intervention for a week, without my nephew being anesthetized or they came to make any incision.
But things would not end here.
Today, one week after the class, my nephew returned to the hospital for surgery, this time, knowing that he had the correct prosthesis. The surgeons participating in the intervention would be three due to the degree of complexity of the operation. Obviously, I kept cleaning in myself these memories of suffering, hospital pain, etc. I used familiar tools and new tools learned in the last class… I used those that by inspiration I felt I should use. And I got carried away by cleaning, without expectations, I just cleaned. And I handed it over to the Divine.
And the miracle happened: the doctors found that his bone “miraculously” solidified. There was no need to replace the prosthesis or to have my nephew go through a second new and long operation. Said by the doctors: “a true miracle”. The doctors were so shocked that they took a video and photos to bear witness to what happened.

What happened? I don’t know, I just did my cleaning. And what memory or memories were erased I don’t know either, and that is not important. But for me it is important to testify that Ho’oponopono works if and only if we practice it and, without expectations, we leave it to the Divine.
Thank you dear Morrnah for the beautiful gift you have given us. And infinite thanks to IZI LLC, and The Foundation of I Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos for lovingly preserving those wonderful teachings.
I love you. I am immensely grateful.”

From a October 2021 Basic I review student:

“I would like to share my experience from having in my hands, the Basic I Manual, that every time I go out to the street or somewhere, I feel that I should take it with me and not only that, but I have gone to places and with people that I have never I imagined I would ever meet.
In one occasion when I went to solve a paper issue and took the opportunity to buy some items, I ended up forgetting the envelope in which the Manual was, when I was about to take a taxi to return home. With the surprise that I did not have the envelope with me, I felt a tremendous scare that I had already lost my Manual, which is the most VALUABLE thing that I have, I returned to the places where I went and Thanks to Divinity, the lady had kept it for me . I think it must have been necessary for me to clean that place, and that is why I forgot the Manual there.

Thank you, I love you”

From an Aug 2021 student:  

“I want to thank all of you for cleaning….

And share my experience in this particular case.

Before this Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Business Ho’oponopono class, 1,000.00 euros came into my life of the person I least expected (my mother) by surprise and gradually resuming contact after several years.

But after taking the class, and also unexpectedly, the administration forgives a debt to my husband for a total of 4,100.00 euros. (The managers of the company related to this debt, call me to inform me, and convey the surprise that they had never seen or encountered a similar situation)

I still have debts, but I love these debts, I love every situation and I can feel at Peace knowing that the Divinity is in charge.

Every time I am surprised and at the same time excited to feel so close to this process!

It is always an investment, be it material or emotional, to take Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes!

I wish you, your family, relatives and ancestors, peace beyond all understanding.

The Peace of I.”

In 2018 I was inspired to sign up the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center as a student for the S.I.T.H. Health Class: Worldwide Absentee. Later I found myself visiting this hospital for a broken foot. I hate hospitals, I hate doctors, I did not want to be there.

Since age 3 I had been to doctors for a severe scoliosis, wore a back brace for 10 years and had surgery where most of my spine was fused with a metal rod. When the doctor came to size my foot for a boot, my fear rekindled; he was so tall he filled the doorway and I felt like a child again.

He sat down quietly and looked over my charts, he looked at me and said, “I’ve heard about these cases before but never met anybody like you.” He was referring to the spinal fusion and the brace which are no longer used as treatments. And then he said something very surprising to me, he said, “On behalf of the entire orthopedic profession, we are sorry.”

I saw myself sitting on the doctor’s table as a three-year-old all the way up to age fifty filled with pain, anger, but I was able to reach deep down into my bag of cleaning tools and was able to say to him, out loud, “All is forgiven.”

But I’m not done yet. I am so grateful to have this Worldwide Absentee Certificate of Completion, as I know there’s still more trauma to clean today. I’ve come to realize that the cleaning has my back, and the doctors, even the diseases, even the I-dentity of the hospital, they are family, they are here to be loved, and I can do that. Thank you.

Check IZI LLC official site for more testimonials.